Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Picture Prompt #3: Crime Scene

It was a typical morning in the small town of Riverdale. The grass was fresh with dew, the church bells were ringing, and a woman lay brutally murdered on the street.

Officers Davis and Ashford were the first ones to arrive at the crime scene.

“I need a goddamn vacation,” Ashford snarled, spitting a wad of tobacco juice on the bloodstained street.

Davis squinted his eyes in rage. “Not until the son-of-a-bitch who did this gets his life long vacation behind bars!”

Just then, an older man in a suit approached the two officers.

“Hello gentlemen, I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My name is Henry Robinson and I’m running for mayor of Riverdale.”

Robinson extended his hand in a friendly gesture, but Davis and Ashford kept their attention on the body.

Robinson retracted his hand to his side. “Alright then. It was nice meeting-“

Davis cocked his eyebrow. “Running for mayor, huh?”

“That’s right! Just wanted to make sure I had the support of the force!”

Davis turned his head from the body and looked the politician dead in the eye.

“You sure you running for something…not FROM!?”

Robinson chuckled nervously to himself. “Wh-what are you talking about, officer?”

“Where were you last night around 3 am?!”

“Well I was, I was-“

“You were here, weren’t you?!” Ashford yelled, showering the old man in tobacco juice.

“No!” Robinson yelled in a panic. “I was home with my family!”

“Don’t dick me around, Robinson!” Davis yelled. “Don’t you dick me around!”

The old man began to tremble. Sweat was running down his forehead like the drool running out of Ashford’s mouth.

“Okay okay! I did it! I killed her! She was a hooker and she was gonna blackmail me!”

Davis looked at the old man in disgust. “That’s all I wanted to hear. Take him away boys!”

As Robinson was cuffed and escorted to the back of a cop car, Davis and Ashford shook their heads in disappointment.

Ashford turned towards Davis. “He sure won’t be getting my vote.”

Davis just nodded. “Let’s go get that vacation.”